What is an Affiliate Program?

An Affiliate Program allows you to earn income from your site’s or other digital traffic that you may have. Think of an affiliate program as a partnership, your role as an affiliate is to find players and introduce them to a merchant (us) and in exchange you get a percentage of the revenues generated by those players.


What brands does Yebostars Affiliates represent and how do I go about joining the Yebostars Affiliates Program?

Yebostars Affiliates Program represents Yebo Casino and Punt Casino. You can also promote new brands as they are added to our program so your potential for earnings can keep growing. Once you become an affiliate member, you can promote all our brands or pick your favorites.

To get started, register with a username and password and then wait for the account to be activated. Once you’re up and running, you can then go to https://www.yebostars.io to access and take advantage of our marketing tools, set up promotions, and follow our real time reports to see your statistics and earnings. Don’t forget to get in touch with one of our Personal Account Managers if you have any questions and concerns or need help.


Will it cost anything to join your program?

Our affiliate programs are free to join! Once you register and your account is approved you can start promoting and earning right away.

Since we only make money when you do, we are committed to give you access to the best brands and freshest promotions so you can grow your traffic and earnings.



How do I receive my money? What are your payment methods?

Just choose your preferred method of payment in order to receive your commission. We offer payment through checks, bank wires, and Neteller. We can also deposit your payment directly into a casino account if you open one.


When do I get paid?

Affiliate commission payments are made between the 25th and the 31st of each month for the previous calendar month.


Do I have to earn a certain amount before you can process my payment?

This depends on the type of payment method you’ve selected. Please contact your Affiliate Manager for further information.



How do I link a player to me?

You can visit the Marketing Tools section to create a referral tracking link for your site or method of promotion. Once the link is live, any player who clicks on it will be automatically linked to your account. This URL is unique and can be connected to your banners, text links, and email messages so you can receive credit for each player referred to our brands.


What kind of commission deals does Yebostars Affiliates offer?

At Yebostars, we pride ourselves on our transparent and rewarding commission structure.
You'll receive a fair and clean share of your players' monthly net deposits with low fees.

Your commission is calculated as a percentage of your players' net deposits, which is calculated as follows: net deposits = (deposits - withdrawals - chargebacks - fees).

The percentage of commission you earn depends on your account status, and here's how it's calculated:
For the following number of first time depositors who convert in the same calendar month, you will earn the following percent of net deposits:

  • 0-5 - 25% of net deposits
  • 6-15 - 30% of net deposits
  • 16-25 - 35% of net deposits
  • 26+ - 40% of net deposits

  • Your commissions calculations will NOT include:

  • Net Gaming Revenue
  • Negative Carryover
  • Bundling

    Can you give me an example of a Rev Share payment?

    For example, let's say you bring in a player and he spends $1000 playing games at Yebo Casino and Punt Casino. Using our basic 30% Rev Share structure, you would get $300 from this player in commission payments. Even better, your players’ commissions don’t have an expiration date: as long as that player continues to make deposits and play, you continue to earn at the set rev share rate.


    How can I see how much is owed to me?

    You can log into your account anytime and check your detailed reports, stats, amount of commission due, and much more. Stats are updated every two hours.


    Do you carry over negative balances?

    No, negative balances reset at the end of the month so you can start with a clean slate every month.


    What is bundling and how does it affect me?

    Bundling is a penalty applied to accounts that handle multiple brands. For example, let’s say one of the brands you represent performs very poorly this month but the other brands perform well. With a bundling policy, the positive balances in your good brands will be reduced to cover the loss of the brand that resulted in a loss.

    Sounds awful, right? We agree, so don’t worry, we don’t bundle. We never carry over negative balances to any account, regardless of performance, so you can start fresh every month.


    Do you offer webmaster referrals? What is the rate for those tiers?

    Yebostars Affiliates Program offers a 3-tiered referral program. Every time you refer somebody to our program, you get 5% of their earnings.

    Should you wish to refer other affiliates or sub-affiliates to Yebostars Affiliates, just contact your Affiliate manager for your referral links and to set up your preferred deal.



    How often are report statistics updated?

    The statistics for impressions and clicks are always available in real time. You will find detailed reports and stats in your dashboard after logging into your account.



    How do I retrieve my password?

    If you forgot your password, use the "recover your password" feature to generate a new one. If you need further assistance with this, contact us at affiliates@yebostars.io or get in touch with your affiliate manager directly.


    Who should I contact for support?

    Our affiliate managers are always available to help you with questions and concerns. For more information, click here.